Universal Chemicals and Industries Pvt.Ltd.
Maheshwari Foundation has joined hands with Clinton Global Initiative for Social Projects
Maheshwari Foundation has joined hands with Clinton Global Initiative for Social Projects
Medical Camps For Villagers

The Krishnagopal Maheshwari Foundation (KGMF) has held a series of medical camps in remote rural areas where a full range of medical services (consultation, tests, diagnosis and treatment) is delivered to villagers. The costs
of the medicine are borne by the Foundation. Additionally, the camps educate villagers about chronic and recurring diseases as well as HIV/AIDS. Patients are encouraged to seek professional help in the absence of the medical camps, and their medical expenses are reimbursed where they cannot afford treatment.

Globally, KGMF has joined hands with the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI), founded by President Bill Clinton to implement his Commitment to Action programme.

Medical Camp by Universal Chemical India.
CGI seeks to channel different forces, both governmental and non-governmental, so as to effect change in some of the world’s most pressing problems. KGMF regularly distributes blankets and quilts to needy people for protection against the harsh northern winters. In some cases, generating sets have been given to villages so they may draw water for their fields and household needs. KGMF has also donated to the cause of those martyred in the Mumbai terrorist attacks of 26/11.
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